About Living Soul Institute

Why Christian Yoga?
Actually, Christian yoga has never been a term that felt completely authentic to the story of my teaching journey. Most of my 20 years of leading yoga practice have been in secular studios honoring all of the stories and faith traditions of my students. I believe I've been called to be a bridge, sharing the love and light of Christ in me, and I don't think that LOVE always needs an address. Francis of Assisi may have once said, “Preach the Gospel at all times, and if necessary use words.”
I have a deep respect for the hybrid influences of modern postural yoga, and the many yoga lineages I've learned from over the years. When it came to designing a teacher training curriculum for Living Soul, I wanted to bring the fullness of my healing story on the yoga mat - heart, soul, mind and body.
Many of our students have a story like mine. Their own intersections with life have left them fractured and quite literally dis-integrated from themselves. The very translation of yoga is "yoke," and Jesus invites us to join him when he said, "my yoke is easy and my burden is light." Matthew 11:28 We don't have to carry it all. We can learn the unforced rhythms of grace.
Living Soul Institute is a bridge from our disintegrated selves to the wholeness of transformed living in Christ.
We provide trainings, programs and retreats that address the whole person. We empower yoga leaders to teach wholehearted living on the yoga mat and beyond.
Our graduates lead classes in health clubs, churches, for cancer survivors, veterans, women’s retreats, retirement homes, resorts, schools, and more!
It is my greatest honor to walk alongside my students and teacher trainees as we authentically share the impact of yoga in our lives. I believe God has a greater story of hope, restoration and redemption in all living souls.
Will you join me on this journey today?